Privacy Policy
1. Covid-19 Risk Assessment Declaration:
You, the patient, warrant as follows:
1.1 You have not been diagnosed with or tested positive for Covid-19/coronavirus within the last 10 days.
1.2 You are not currently displaying any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19?
1.3 If your situation changes prior to your appointment, you understand that you must contact Claire Skinner on 07822010231.
2. Consent for Treatment & Your Rights As A Patient:
2.1 You understand that, as treatment may involve touch and close physical proximity over an extended period of time, there may be an elevated risk of disease transmission, including Covid-19.
2.2 By booking an appointment, you give your consent to receive treatment from the practitioners at Meraki Acupuncture.
2.3 You have the right, as the patient, to be informed about your condition as diagnosed by the practitioner. This includes their assessment of the likelihood of success and the number of treatments that may be required.
2.4 You have the right to understand the nature of an acupuncture treatment and any adjunctive techniques that will be used; for example, moxibustion, cupping and guasha.
2.5 In addition to the potential benefits, you should be aware of the risks of having treatment. Please ask your acupuncturist further questions if necessary.
2.6 You should feel free to seek advice from other healthcare professionals, such as your GP. It is important that you understand what is involved in treatment, including any risks and benefits, prior to making the decision whether to have treatment
2.7 Consent is an ongoing process, and you have the right to withdraw your consent to treatment at any time.
3. Acupuncture Cupping, Guasha and Moxibustion:
3.1 You understand that acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles at acupuncture points throughout the body. There are hundreds of acupuncture points all over the body. The most commonly used are on the arms below the elbow, and on the legs below the knee. It is best to wear loose fitting clothing, but, occasionally, it may be necessary to remove items of clothing. Learn more about acupuncture by clicking here.
3.2 You acknowledge that commonly used adjunctive techniques at Meraki Acupuncture are as follows:
Moxibustion involves the burning of the herb Chinese mugwort (Artemisia argyi), commonly known as moxa, to warm acupuncture points and areas of the body. There are different techniques such as placing moxa on the handle of a needle, using a moxa stick, placing moxa directly on the skin and a TDP heat lamp. Learn more about moxibustion by clicking here.
Cupping Therapy: A partial vacuum is created within cups which are placed on the skin. This produces a suction effect. The vacuum is produced either by fire (traditional method) or by a pump. Learn more about cupping therapy by clicking here.
Guasha: The use of a smooth-edged tool to repeatedly stroke the skin. Learn more about guasha by clicking here.
3.3 By booking an appointment at Meraki Acupuncture, you consent to receiving the adjunctive techniques as per clause 3.2 unless you inform the practitioner otherwise. In addition, you understand that you can withdraw your consent at any time.
4. Risk Assessment:
There have been several scientific papers published on the safety of acupuncture, as referenced in publications 1-4 (see references below). Conclusive findings from these studies assert that acupuncture is deemed safe when administered by a properly trained individual. However, it is strongly recommended that you ensure your acupuncturist is a member of a professional organisation such as the British Acupuncture Council.
By choosing to undergo acupuncture, cupping therapy, moxibustion or guasha treatments at Meraki Acupuncture, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks and side effects as follows:
4.1 Bruising and Bleeding:
4.1.1 Due to the nature of acupuncture involving needle insertion, patients may occasionally experience some mild discomfort, a small bruise or minor bleeding.
4.1.2 Approximately 6% of individuals undergoing ten acupuncture sessions may report a bruise or minor bleeding as a side effect.
4.2 Dizziness, Nausea, and Loss of Consciousness:
4.2.1 On rare occasions, patients may feel dizzy or nauseous during or after acupuncture treatment, with an extremely rare occurrence of losing consciousness.
4.2.2 According to research, of patients who have a course of 10 acupuncture sessions, approximately 0.2% may feel dizzy, 0.14% may feel nauseous, and in extremely rare cases (0.03%), loss of consciousness may occur.
4.3 Uncommon Side Effects:
4.3.1 Uncommon side effects, affecting up to 10 of every 1,000 people treated, may include feeling tired after treatment, headache, local muscle pain, or strong pain during needling.
4.4 Risk Minimisation and Medical History Disclosure:
4.4.1 Risks can be minimised by communicating with the acupuncturist.
4.4.2 You are encouraged to inform the acupuncturist if you feel hot, the room is stuffy, you are hungry/thirsty, or if you are especially nervous.
4.4.3 You understand the importance of disclosing your complete medical history, any illnesses, and a list of current medications to the practitioner—especially anti-coagulants.
4.4.4 You must disclose if you have been diagnosed with any of the following health conditions or if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
heart condition/angina
blood pressure problems
epilepsy or seizures
haemophilia/blood clotting disorders
blood borne viruses; for example, Hepatitis B/C or HIV
skin complaints; for example, psoriasis or eczema.
allergic response, e.g. anaesthetics, jewellery
do you regularly take any blood-thinning medicines; for example, aspirin or warfarin?
do you take any regularly prescribed medication?
are you aware of any associated problems with treatment?
have you previously experienced any adverse effects from treatment?
4.4.5 You understand and accept that acupuncture practitioners do not diagnose western conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of a medical doctor.
4.4.6 You understand and accept that acupuncture is not a substitute for medical care. It is recommended that you see a medical doctor or general practitioner for any physical or psychological ailment that you may have.
4.4.7 You warrant that you will/have to the best of your ability give/given an accurate and truthful record of your medical history and will not withhold/have not knowingly withheld any information that may later be deemed relevant to treatment. You recognise that failure to do so may increase the likelihood of adverse reactions.
4.4.8 You acknowledge the necessity of keeping this information up-to-date and agree to inform us of any relevant changes as and when they occur. You recognise that failure to do so may increase the likelihood of adverse reactions.
4.5 Infection Risk:
4.5.1 Due to piercing of the skin during acupuncture, there is a potential risk of infection at the needle site. The estimated risk is 1 to 10 cases per 10,000 people treated. However, British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) registered acupuncturists strictly adhere to the BAcC’s Code of Safe Practice and are trained to provide acupuncture hygienically to minimise infection risks.
4.6 Serious Adverse Events:
4.6.1 Serious adverse events, such as pneumothorax (piercing the lung/perforation of the lung lining) and nerve injury, can occur, although they are very rare. The risk of such events is further reduced by seeking treatment from a well-trained acupuncturist. In 2.2 million treatments, pneumothorax occurred twice, and nerve injury occurred 31 times. Of these incidents, one case of pneumothorax required hospital treatment, and the other necessitated observation only. The longest duration of any side effect was 180 days (nerve injury), and no permanent injuries or deaths were associated with acupuncture treatments.
4.7 Cupping and Guasha Side Effects:
4.7.1 Both cupping and guasha treatments may result in dark or purple patches on the skin, which is generally an expected part of the treatment.
4.7.2 It is noted that dark rings from cupping, similar to those seen on elite athletes such as swimmers, typically disappear after a few days.
4.8 Burn Risks:
4.8.1 Cupping and moxibustion both carry a risk of accidental burns.
4.8.2 Burns from moxibustion are estimated to occur once in 1000 to 5000 treatments.
5. Aftercare:
5.1 Post-Treatment Care:
5.1.1 After treatment, it is advised to keep the needle, cupping, moxa, and guasha sites clean.
5.1.2 Strenuous activity is generally best avoided immediately after treatment.
5.1.3 It is common to feel a desire to rest after treatment, and patients are encouraged to listen to their bodies.
5.1.4 Some individuals may experience a dull ache at the needle sites after treatment, which is considered normal and is not a cause for concern.
5.2 Monitoring and Seeking Medical Attention:
5.2.1 If any adverse effects or concerns arise after treatment, patients are urged to contact their practitioner promptly and/or seek medical attention.
5.2.2 Specific situations requiring immediate attention include:
if a needle site becomes red or inflamed.
if acupuncture was administered on the upper back or shoulder, and there is any severe, gradual, or sudden onset of pain over the chest, potentially
combined with difficulty in breathing.
5.3 Signs of Pneumothorax:
5.3.1 Patients are advised to seek immediate medical attention if experiencing signs of pneumothorax, as it is an extremely rare but serious condition.
5.3.2 Prompt medical treatment can ensure a full recovery and prevent any potential long-term consequences.
5.3.3 By booking an appointment at Meraki Acupuncture, acknowledgement of the aftercare guidelines and their importance to your overall well-being and safety post-treatment.
6. Late Arrivals and Cancellation Policy ( Strictly 24 Hours):
6.1 Out of respect to our clientele and so that the clinic can run on-time, we can only hold your appointment for a maximum of 15 minutes following your allotted time. Unfortunately, while we will always do our best to accommodate you, failure to arrive within this time means that we may not be able to see you, and the missed appointment will be chargeable in full.
6.2 If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please provide us with a minimum of 24 hours notice. If you are unable to provide 24 hours notice, are more than 15 minutes late and/or fail to attend your appointment, we must charge for the appointment in full.
6.3 Under the following circumstances, and at the practitioner’s discretion, the 24 cancellation policy (clause 6.2) may not apply:
6.3.1 if you have recently tested positive for Covid-19.
6.3.2 in the case of illness or injury.
6.3.3 in the case of emergency.
6.3.4 please note, in regards to clauses 6.31 and 6.32, prior notice must be given to the practitioner in writing before your scheduled appointment time, or the cancellation policy (clause 6.2) will apply.
6.3.5 you may be asked to provide proof of illness.
7. Payment Terms, Invoices and Overdue Payments:
7.1 All invoices must be paid in full on the day of your appointment, or as per the date specified on your invoice.
7.2 After 30 days, all outstanding balances will be subject to an additional late payment fee (equivalent to interest of 0.8% per day and calculated from the payment due date).
7.3 After 60 days, all outstanding balances will be referred to a third-party debt collection and recovery service, and will be subject to additional debt recovery costs.
7.4 All outstanding balances must be cleared before booking further appointments.
8. Insurance Disclaimer:
8.1 At this time Meraki Acupuncture does not accept insurance
9. GDPR UK, Confidentiality & safeguarding
9.1 Meraki Acupuncture is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. We process your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR UK) and other relevant data protection laws.
9.2 By using our services, you consent to the processing of your personal data in line with current data protection legislation.
9.3 The information you provide is used solely for the purpose of delivering healthcare services and will not be shared with any third party without your explicit written consent (or that of a parent/guardian if you are under 18).
9.4 In exceptional circumstances, contrary to clause 9.3 and where the practitioner’s duty to society overrides the duty of confidentiality, disclosure of personal information may be necessary in situations involving criminal or safeguarding issues. Every effort will be made to discuss this with the patient.
9.5 From time to time, Meraki Acupuncture may use your information to contact you about upcoming clinic news or special offers. Please let the clinic know if you would prefer to be removed from our mailing list.